Bull is a brand new comedy with a unique and quirky sense of humour, featuring the eponymous Rupert Bull (Robert Lindsay), a man who attempts to run his antiques shop aided and hampered in equal measure by his team of dysfunctional staff, Beverley (Maureen Lipman), Faye (Claudia Jessie) and Toby (Naz Osmanoglu).
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Bull is a brand new comedy with a unique and quirky sense of humour, featuring the eponymous Rupert Bull (Robert Lindsay), a man who attempts to run his antiques shop aided and hampered in equal measure by his team of dysfunctional staff, Beverley (Maureen Lipman), Faye (Claudia Jessie) and Toby (Naz Osmanoglu).
- network
- Gold
- cast
- Robert Lindsay, Claudia Jessie, Maureen Lipman, Naz Osmanoglu
- genres
- seasons
- 1
Not available to watch online