GoShogun was a super robot anime series produced in 1981 and aired in 1982 in Japan. It is variously referred to in English as "Demon God of the War-Torn Land GoShogun", "Warring Demon God GoShogun", "Civil War Devil-God GoShogun" and "Macron 1".
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GoShogun was a super robot anime series produced in 1981 and aired in 1982 in Japan. It is variously referred to in English as "Demon God of the War-Torn Land GoShogun", "Warring Demon God GoShogun", "Civil War Devil-God GoShogun" and "Macron 1".
- network
- TV Tokyo
- cast
- Kaneto Shiozawa, Mami Koyama, Shôjirô Kihara, Hirotaka Suzuoki
- seasons
- 1
Not available to watch online