Casting(s) was a French television shortcom created by Pierre Niney and Ali Marhyar, written by Ali Marhyar, Igor Gotesman and Pierre Niney, produced by Hugo Gélin for Zazi Films and broadcast on Canal+ from 2013 to 2015. The episodes revolved around actors rehearsing for different film projects for a casting director. The show also had famous guests such as Oscar winner Marion Cotillard and rappers Orelsan and Nekfeu.
Casting(s) was a French television shortcom created by Pierre Niney and Ali Marhyar, written by Ali Marhyar, Igor Gotesman and Pierre Niney, produced by Hugo Gélin for Zazi Films and broadcast on Canal+ from 2013 to 2015. The episodes revolved around actors rehearsing for different film projects for a casting director. The show also had famous guests such as Oscar winner Marion Cotillard and rappers Orelsan and Nekfeu.
- network
- Canal+
- cast
- Pierre Niney, François Civil, Igor Gotesman, Antoine Gouy
- genres
- seasons
- 3