Clutch Cargo
Clutch Cargo is an animated television series produced by Cambria Productions and syndicated beginning on March 9, 1959. Notable for its very limited animation, yet imaginative stories, the series was a surprise hit at the time, and could be seen on 65 stations nationwide in 1960. This animated series was broadcast in Italy in syndication in the early 1980s with two different titles: Tre contro tutti and Clutch Cargo.
Clutch Cargo is an animated television series produced by Cambria Productions and syndicated beginning on March 9, 1959. Notable for its very limited animation, yet imaginative stories, the series was a surprise hit at the time, and could be seen on 65 stations nationwide in 1960. This animated series was broadcast in Italy in syndication in the early 1980s with two different titles: Tre contro tutti and Clutch Cargo.
- network
- Syndication
- cast
- Richard Cotting, Margaret Kerry, Hal Smith
- seasons
- 1
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