Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight
Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight is an American science fiction superhero television series that originally aired on The CW, as part of the CW4Kids programming block, from December 13, 2008 to December 26, 2009. It is an adaptation of the Japanese tokusatsu show Kamen Rider Ryuki and is the second installment in the Kamen Rider franchise to be adapted for American audiences after Saban's Masked Rider in 1995. The series was developed for television by Steve and Michael Wang and produced by Jimmy Sprague through Adness Entertainment.
Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight is an American science fiction superhero television series that originally aired on The CW, as part of the CW4Kids programming block, from December 13, 2008 to December 26, 2009. It is an adaptation of the Japanese tokusatsu show Kamen Rider Ryuki and is the second installment in the Kamen Rider franchise to be adapted for American audiences after Saban's Masked Rider in 1995. The series was developed for television by Steve and Michael Wang and produced by Jimmy Sprague through Adness Entertainment.
- network
- The CW
- cast
- Stephen Ford, Matt Mullins, Marisa Lauren, Yvonne Arias
- seasons
- 1
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