Hepsi 1
The show stars the members of the Turkish pop singing group Hepsi. The premise of the show revolves around the four main characters, four girls who all go to a performing arts academy and live together: Cemre, Eren, Gülçin and Yasemin. They face tragic and comic events each week. They also have a hard debt to pay off, due to Yasemin crashing her boyfriend Korkut’s car.
The show stars the members of the Turkish pop singing group Hepsi. The premise of the show revolves around the four main characters, four girls who all go to a performing arts academy and live together: Cemre, Eren, Gülçin and Yasemin. They face tragic and comic events each week. They also have a hard debt to pay off, due to Yasemin crashing her boyfriend Korkut’s car.
- network
- atv
- cast
- Cemre Kemer, Eren Bakıcı, Gülçin Ergül, Yasemin Yürük
- seasons
- 2
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