Taotao is an anime series aired for 26 episodes on TV Osaka from October 7, 1983 through March 30, 1984. A second series with the same title was aired from October 9, 1984 through April 9, 1985. Prior to the TV series, an anime film was released on December 26, 1981.They were produced as a Chinese-Japanese joint venture and directed by Shuichi Nakahara and Tatsuo Shimamura.The series is about the eponymous Taotao, a small panda.
Taotao is an anime series aired for 26 episodes on TV Osaka from October 7, 1983 through March 30, 1984. A second series with the same title was aired from October 9, 1984 through April 9, 1985. Prior to the TV series, an anime film was released on December 26, 1981.They were produced as a Chinese-Japanese joint venture and directed by Shuichi Nakahara and Tatsuo Shimamura.The series is about the eponymous Taotao, a small panda.
- network
- TV Osaka
- cast
- TARAKO, Taeko Nakanishi, Toru Furuya, Minori Matsushima
- seasons
- 1
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