The Mokhtar Narrative
The Mokhtar Narrative is an Epic/History television series directed by Davood Mirbagheri, based on the life of Al-Mokhtar. Over 140 actors were cast in it. Mokhtar Saqafi was a Shiite Muslim leader who sets up a rebellion movement in 686 A.D in the town of Kufa to avenge the martyrdom of Hussain (grandson of Islamic Prophet Muhammad).
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The Mokhtar Narrative is an Epic/History television series directed by Davood Mirbagheri, based on the life of Al-Mokhtar. Over 140 actors were cast in it. Mokhtar Saqafi was a Shiite Muslim leader who sets up a rebellion movement in 686 A.D in the town of Kufa to avenge the martyrdom of Hussain (grandson of Islamic Prophet Muhammad).
- network
- cast
- Fariborz Arabnia, Reza Kianian, Fariba Kowsari, Mehdi Fakhimzadeh
- seasons
- 1
Not available to watch online