The story begins with Keita Suminoe, a male third-year junior-high school student studying for his high school entrance exams. He is living in a home with his older twin stepsisters, Ako and Riko, who share no blood relation to him, and they help him prepare for his exams. Even though he initially dislikes himself for it, he begins to become attracted to his two step-sisters, and his two parents encourage him to eventually get married to one of them.
The story begins with Keita Suminoe, a male third-year junior-high school student studying for his high school entrance exams. He is living in a home with his older twin stepsisters, Ako and Riko, who share no blood relation to him, and they help him prepare for his exams. Even though he initially dislikes himself for it, he begins to become attracted to his two step-sisters, and his two parents encourage him to eventually get married to one of them.
- network
- AT-X
- cast
- Yuiko Tatsumi, Ayana Taketatsu, Ken Takeuchi, Tomoyuki Shimura
- seasons
- 1
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