Fuoriclasse is an Italian television series, directed by Riccardo Donna, filmed in 2011, starring Luciana Littizzetto, based on the books by Domenico Starnone. The synopsis of the miniseries is similar to the story of the film La scuola, scripted always by Starnone.
Not available to watch online
Fuoriclasse is an Italian television series, directed by Riccardo Donna, filmed in 2011, starring Luciana Littizzetto, based on the books by Domenico Starnone. The synopsis of the miniseries is similar to the story of the film La scuola, scripted always by Starnone.
- network
- cast
- Angelo Donato Colombo, Germana Pasquero, Neri Marcorè, Andrea Arcangeli
- genres
- seasons
- 3
Not available to watch online
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