Game Over
Game Over is an American computer-animated television series created by David Sacks, produced by Carsey-Werner Productions, and broadcast on UPN in 2004. It was canceled due to low ratings. Game Over focused on what happens to video game characters after the game ends. The show is based around the Smashenburns, a far-from-ordinary suburban family that lives in an alternate video game universe.
Game Over is an American computer-animated television series created by David Sacks, produced by Carsey-Werner Productions, and broadcast on UPN in 2004. It was canceled due to low ratings. Game Over focused on what happens to video game characters after the game ends. The show is based around the Smashenburns, a far-from-ordinary suburban family that lives in an alternate video game universe.
- network
- cast
- Patrick Warburton, Lucy Liu, Rachel Dratch, E. G. Daily
- genres
- seasons
- 1
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