Horseland is an American animated series produced by DIC Entertainment. It is a comic mischief program following events in the lives of a group of children riding at Horseland, an equestrian school and stables. Their adventures include riding, and raising and entering their horses in competitions. The show premiered on September 16, 2006 as part of CBS's new Saturday morning cartoon block, KOL Secret Slumber Party on CBS. Concurrent with the series, the online virtual pet game that it was based upon was updated to complement the show by launching a new "Junior version" of the game based on the program and featuring its various characters and locations. After three seasons, the show's original run ended on CBS on September 19, 2009.
Horseland is an American animated series produced by DIC Entertainment. It is a comic mischief program following events in the lives of a group of children riding at Horseland, an equestrian school and stables. Their adventures include riding, and raising and entering their horses in competitions. The show premiered on September 16, 2006 as part of CBS's new Saturday morning cartoon block, KOL Secret Slumber Party on CBS. Concurrent with the series, the online virtual pet game that it was based upon was updated to complement the show by launching a new "Junior version" of the game based on the program and featuring its various characters and locations. After three seasons, the show's original run ended on CBS on September 19, 2009.
- network
- cast
- Dana Donlan, David Kalis, Emily Hernandez, Jerry Longe
- seasons
- 3
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