Good Luck! Ninomiya-kun
Ninomiya is an ordinary high school student who lives at home with his older sister Ryoko. However, Ninomiya's life ceases to be normal the moment a cute girl named Mayu descends into the middle of his school's campus in a military-grade helicopter. It turns out Ryoko sent this girl, along with her older brother Mikihiro, to live at the Ninomiya household.
Ninomiya is an ordinary high school student who lives at home with his older sister Ryoko. However, Ninomiya's life ceases to be normal the moment a cute girl named Mayu descends into the middle of his school's campus in a military-grade helicopter. It turns out Ryoko sent this girl, along with her older brother Mikihiro, to live at the Ninomiya household.
- network
- Chiba TV
- cast
- Miyuki Sawashiro, Mai Kadowaki, Ken Narita, Saeko Chiba
- seasons
- 1
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