The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers
The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers is an American animated Space Western television series created by Robert Mandell and Gaylord Entertainment Company. The series combines sci-fi stories with traditional wild west themes. It is one of the first anime-style shows produced mainly in the USA, although the actual animation was done by the Japanese animation studio Tokyo Movie Shinsha. At the time it aired, The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers was considered a revolutionary children's show.
The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers is an American animated Space Western television series created by Robert Mandell and Gaylord Entertainment Company. The series combines sci-fi stories with traditional wild west themes. It is one of the first anime-style shows produced mainly in the USA, although the actual animation was done by the Japanese animation studio Tokyo Movie Shinsha. At the time it aired, The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers was considered a revolutionary children's show.
- network
- Syndication
- cast
- Jerry Orbach, Earl Hammond, Laura Dean, Ray Owens
- seasons
- 1
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