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Adventures in Rainbow Country


"Adventures in Rainbow Country," aired on CBC Television from 1970 to 1971 and later ran on Nickelodeon in the early '80s. Led by Lois Maxwell as Nancy Williams, a widow caring for her children in rural Northern Ontario, the series revolved around family dynamics and featured characters like Billy, his Ojibwa friend Pete Gawa, and bush pilot Dennis McGubgub. Filming took place around Whitefish Falls, near Espanola, and scenes were shot in Birch Island and Manitoulin Island in 1969. With 26 episodes, it had successful reruns in Canada and internationally, appearing on channels like DejaView and Silver Screen Classics. Although never officially cancelled, the series didn't produce more episodes after its initial run.

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"Adventures in Rainbow Country," aired on CBC Television from 1970 to 1971 and later ran on Nickelodeon in the early '80s. Led by Lois Maxwell as Nancy Williams, a widow caring for her children in rural Northern Ontario, the series revolved around family dynamics and featured characters like Billy, his Ojibwa friend Pete Gawa, and bush pilot Dennis McGubgub. Filming took place around Whitefish Falls, near Espanola, and scenes were shot in Birch Island and Manitoulin Island in 1969. With 26 episodes, it had successful reruns in Canada and internationally, appearing on channels like DejaView and Silver Screen Classics. Although never officially cancelled, the series didn't produce more episodes after its initial run.


CBC Television
Lois Maxwell, Buckley Petawabano, Susan Conway, Albert Millaire 

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