Tactical Roar
Tactical Roar is a Japanese anime television series set in a not-too-distant future. The series is around all-female crew of the commercial Warship, the Pascal Magi. The series is mix of serious combat, political intrigue, light romance, and comedy. A classic story of the underdogs trying prove their worth amidst superior enemies, and doubtful arrogant allies. The series produced with mix of traditional and Computer Generated animation.
Tactical Roar is a Japanese anime television series set in a not-too-distant future. The series is around all-female crew of the commercial Warship, the Pascal Magi. The series is mix of serious combat, political intrigue, light romance, and comedy. A classic story of the underdogs trying prove their worth amidst superior enemies, and doubtful arrogant allies. The series produced with mix of traditional and Computer Generated animation.
- network
- tv asahi
- cast
- Mai Nakahara, Hisayoshi Suganuma, Akeno Watanabe, Daiki Nakamura
- seasons
- 1
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