Chris Colorado
Chris Colorado is a French animated television series consisting of 26 episodes, created by Thibaut Chatel, Franck Bertrand and Jacqueline Monsigny, with original series music is written by Fabrice Aboulker. It was first aired in France on 18 December 2000 on Canal+, and later on FR3, and it is broadcast regularly on the Mangas channel. Each episode is approximately 26 minutes long. DVD copies of the show are almost impossible to find, as it had a very low release rate. One DVD containing the first four episodes has been released in France.
Chris Colorado is a French animated television series consisting of 26 episodes, created by Thibaut Chatel, Franck Bertrand and Jacqueline Monsigny, with original series music is written by Fabrice Aboulker. It was first aired in France on 18 December 2000 on Canal+, and later on FR3, and it is broadcast regularly on the Mangas channel. Each episode is approximately 26 minutes long. DVD copies of the show are almost impossible to find, as it had a very low release rate. One DVD containing the first four episodes has been released in France.
- network
- Canal+
- cast
- Roger Carel, Emmanuel Curtil, Dominique Paturel, Marie-Christine Darah
- seasons
- 1
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