The Village
In the desolate hinterlands of Tamil Nadu, a stranded urbanite enlists the help of three locals to find his missing family believed to have been abducted by nefarious beings of a cursed village. Meanwhile, a maniacal heir to a pharma empire sends a group of mercenaries to the same village to retrieve something long forgotten. Will they come out of this terror-stricken night alive?
In the desolate hinterlands of Tamil Nadu, a stranded urbanite enlists the help of three locals to find his missing family believed to have been abducted by nefarious beings of a cursed village. Meanwhile, a maniacal heir to a pharma empire sends a group of mercenaries to the same village to retrieve something long forgotten. Will they come out of this terror-stricken night alive?
- network
- Prime Video
- cast
- Arya, John Kokken, Aadukalam Naren, Muthukumar
- seasons
- 1