Ruqaya and Sabeeka
The series revolves around the two sisters (Ruqaya) and (Sabeeka), who work selling old women's necessities, where they meet (Diab), who works as a driver, who marries (Sabeeka) and then discovers that the house in which (Sabeeka) and (Ruqaya) live belongs to them and events escalate
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The series revolves around the two sisters (Ruqaya) and (Sabeeka), who work selling old women's necessities, where they meet (Diab), who works as a driver, who marries (Sabeeka) and then discovers that the house in which (Sabeeka) and (Ruqaya) live belongs to them and events escalate
- network
- cast
- Hayat Al-Fahad, Soad Abdullah, Ghanem Al-Saleh, Ali AlMufeedi
- genres
- seasons
- 1
Not available to watch online