The Bernie Mac Show
"Ingenious Comedy... Brash, Boisterous, Smart, Funky And Cool!"
The Bernie Mac Show is an American sitcom that aired on Fox for five seasons from November 14, 2001 to April 14, 2006. The series featured comic actor Bernie Mac and his wife Wanda raising his sister's three kids: Jordan, Bryana, and Vanessa.
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The Bernie Mac Show is an American sitcom that aired on Fox for five seasons from November 14, 2001 to April 14, 2006. The series featured comic actor Bernie Mac and his wife Wanda raising his sister's three kids: Jordan, Bryana, and Vanessa.
- network
- cast
- Bernie Mac, Jeremy Suarez, Camille Winbush, Dee Dee Davis
- genres
- seasons
- 5
Not available to watch online