On Air Dekinai!
Set in 2014, the anime follows the adventures of 23 years old Mafuneko, a newly minted assistant director who joins the TV production department at Tokyo Hajikko Television, only to discover that the glamorous and glitzy life of working behind-the-scenes making TV shows involves strange and inexplicable tasks such as "gathering 300 acorns" and "making a mosaic out of the images reflected in the camera lens." Despite being surrounded by chaos, set-backs, and weirdos, Mafuneko struggles to become a fully-fledged TV producer.
Set in 2014, the anime follows the adventures of 23 years old Mafuneko, a newly minted assistant director who joins the TV production department at Tokyo Hajikko Television, only to discover that the glamorous and glitzy life of working behind-the-scenes making TV shows involves strange and inexplicable tasks such as "gathering 300 acorns" and "making a mosaic out of the images reflected in the camera lens." Despite being surrounded by chaos, set-backs, and weirdos, Mafuneko struggles to become a fully-fledged TV producer.
- network
- BS TV Tokyo
- cast
- You Taichi, Yasuhiro Mamiya, Riho Sugiyama, Yuya Hirose
- seasons
- 1
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