The Bionic Life
Set in the year 2035, humanoid robots that are indistinguishable from humans have raised public concerns due to their rapid advancement. The members of "Mingmou" organization, Cheng Nuo, a level-headed individual, and An Qiu, who excels in empathy, join forces to unravel the mysteries behind the continuous murders of humanoid robots. Amidst the complexities of life, the boundary between humans and humanoid robots blurs. The fate of both humans and humanoid robots is being silently rewritten...
Set in the year 2035, humanoid robots that are indistinguishable from humans have raised public concerns due to their rapid advancement. The members of "Mingmou" organization, Cheng Nuo, a level-headed individual, and An Qiu, who excels in empathy, join forces to unravel the mysteries behind the continuous murders of humanoid robots. Amidst the complexities of life, the boundary between humans and humanoid robots blurs. The fate of both humans and humanoid robots is being silently rewritten...
- network
- iQiyi
- cast
- Song Weilong, Wen Qi, Lee Hong Chi, Zu Feng
- seasons
- 1
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