Japanese Folklore Tales
"Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi" was a series running from 1975 to 1994 (with a short stop) in japanese tv. Each episode contained 1 to 3 short folk tales from the rich tradition of Japanese storytelling. Ghosts, samurai, goddesses, famous doomed romances, wandering heroes, legendary creatures, mysterious magical visitors... all presented in a simple cartoon style which varies from silly to quite charming.
"Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi" was a series running from 1975 to 1994 (with a short stop) in japanese tv. Each episode contained 1 to 3 short folk tales from the rich tradition of Japanese storytelling. Ghosts, samurai, goddesses, famous doomed romances, wandering heroes, legendary creatures, mysterious magical visitors... all presented in a simple cartoon style which varies from silly to quite charming.
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