Set in the near future, Medabots revolves around the super charged battling adventures of a group of kids and their pet robots. Fueled with artificial intelligence and a specialized arsenal of high powered weapons, Medabots compete against each other in exciting Robattles, with the winners acquiring Medaparts from the defeated Medabot. With over 370 unique robots ready to Robattle, Medabots is filled with explosive adventures in a world where kids have the ultimate power. But more than anything else, these challenges are about courage and mind power, where the soul of the Medafighter and Medabot combine to emerge victorious.
Set in the near future, Medabots revolves around the super charged battling adventures of a group of kids and their pet robots. Fueled with artificial intelligence and a specialized arsenal of high powered weapons, Medabots compete against each other in exciting Robattles, with the winners acquiring Medaparts from the defeated Medabot. With over 370 unique robots ready to Robattle, Medabots is filled with explosive adventures in a world where kids have the ultimate power. But more than anything else, these challenges are about courage and mind power, where the soul of the Medafighter and Medabot combine to emerge victorious.
- network
- TV Tokyo
- cast
- Michiru Yamazaki, Junko Takeuchi, Eri Sendai, Masami Suzuki
- seasons
- 3
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