The Smoggies was a French and Canadian animated children's television show by Cinar that began airing in 1988. In the United States, the show was aired under the name Stop the Smoggies in 1994 on HBO, and in France, as SOS Polluards. In the French part of Canada, it was aired under the name Touftoufs et Polluards. The show was broadcast in Ireland under its original Canadian title.
The Smoggies was a French and Canadian animated children's television show by Cinar that began airing in 1988. In the United States, the show was aired under the name Stop the Smoggies in 1994 on HBO, and in France, as SOS Polluards. In the French part of Canada, it was aired under the name Touftoufs et Polluards. The show was broadcast in Ireland under its original Canadian title.
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