Wish Kid
Wish Kid starring Macaulay Culkin is an animated television series that originally aired on Saturday mornings from September 14, 1991, through July 1992 on NBC, although a few repeats aired from 1998, through 2002 on Toon Disney after that. Produced by DIC Entertainment, the series starred pre-teen movie star Macaulay Culkin.
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Wish Kid starring Macaulay Culkin is an animated television series that originally aired on Saturday mornings from September 14, 1991, through July 1992 on NBC, although a few repeats aired from 1998, through 2002 on Toon Disney after that. Produced by DIC Entertainment, the series starred pre-teen movie star Macaulay Culkin.
- network
- cast
- Tara Strong, Macaulay Culkin, Andrew Sabiston, Quinn Culkin
- seasons
- 1
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