The Nightmare Room
The Nightmare Room is an American children's anthology horror series that aired on Kids' WB. The series was based on the short-lived book series The Nightmare Room children's books created by Goosebumps author, R.L. Stine. The Nightmare Room originally aired from August 31, 2001, to March 16, 2002, in the United States. It was rated TV-Y7 for fantasy violence and scenes deemed too scary or disturbing for younger viewers in the United States. Reruns of the series started airing on Chiller on January 7, 2013.
The Nightmare Room is an American children's anthology horror series that aired on Kids' WB. The series was based on the short-lived book series The Nightmare Room children's books created by Goosebumps author, R.L. Stine. The Nightmare Room originally aired from August 31, 2001, to March 16, 2002, in the United States. It was rated TV-Y7 for fantasy violence and scenes deemed too scary or disturbing for younger viewers in the United States. Reruns of the series started airing on Chiller on January 7, 2013.
- network
- The WB
- cast
- James Avery
- seasons
- 1
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