The World Ends With You: The Animation
Neku awakens in the middle of Shibuya's bustling Scramble Crossing with no memory of how he got there. Little does he know, he's been transported to an alternate plane of existence known as the Underground. Now an unwilling participant in the mysterious "Reapers' Game," Neku must partner up with a girl named Shiki in order to survive...
Neku awakens in the middle of Shibuya's bustling Scramble Crossing with no memory of how he got there. Little does he know, he's been transported to an alternate plane of existence known as the Underground. Now an unwilling participant in the mysterious "Reapers' Game," Neku must partner up with a girl named Shiki in order to survive...
- network
- cast
- Koki Uchiyama, Anna Hachimine, Ayana Taketatsu, Subaru Kimura
- seasons
- 1
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