Jungle Cubs
Disney's Jungle Cubs is an animated series produced by Disney for ABC in 1996. It was based on their 1967 feature film The Jungle Book, but set in the youth of the animal characters. The show was a hit, running for two seasons in syndication before moving its re-runs to the Disney Channel. The show was broadcast on Toon Disney, but was taken off the schedule in 2001. The show did air in the United Kingdom on Disney Cinemagic and in Latin America until it was removed. The show's theme song is a hip-hop version of the classic song, "The Bare Necessities" performed by Lou Rawls. After a ten-year absence in the United States, reruns of the show began airing on Disney Junior since March 23, 2012, and are broadcast every day at 5:00AM ET.
Disney's Jungle Cubs is an animated series produced by Disney for ABC in 1996. It was based on their 1967 feature film The Jungle Book, but set in the youth of the animal characters. The show was a hit, running for two seasons in syndication before moving its re-runs to the Disney Channel. The show was broadcast on Toon Disney, but was taken off the schedule in 2001. The show did air in the United Kingdom on Disney Cinemagic and in Latin America until it was removed. The show's theme song is a hip-hop version of the classic song, "The Bare Necessities" performed by Lou Rawls. After a ten-year absence in the United States, reruns of the show began airing on Disney Junior since March 23, 2012, and are broadcast every day at 5:00AM ET.
- network
- cast
- Jim Cummings, Pamela Adlon, Michael McKean, Rob Paulsen
- seasons
- 2
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