"Three Unforgettable Tales From The Masters of Anime"
In this anime anthology, a salvage ship crew happens upon a haunted vessel in "Magnetic Rose"; a cold tablet turns a lab worker into a biological weapon in "Stink Bomb"; and an urban populace carries on an endless war with an unseen foe in "Cannon Fodder."
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In this anime anthology, a salvage ship crew happens upon a haunted vessel in "Magnetic Rose"; a cold tablet turns a lab worker into a biological weapon in "Stink Bomb"; and an urban populace carries on an endless war with an unseen foe in "Cannon Fodder."
- director
- Katsuhiro Otomo
- cast
- Tsutomu Isobe, Koichi Yamadera, Shozo Iizuka, Shigeru Chiba
- runtime
- 1 hr 53 mins
Not available to watch online