The story follows the sporadic reunions of six friends during the seven year period of their integration into society. The reunions take place on their ancestral island, the setting of their common past. Every time they return "home" they carry with them the results of their personal choices. They also carry with them the effects of modern Greek society, a society the slowly but surely changes them, weathering their relationships, until they gradually lose contact with each other. The end of this epoch, will find them dispersed, confronting the dawn of an era where the pursuit of individual ambitions reigns.
The story follows the sporadic reunions of six friends during the seven year period of their integration into society. The reunions take place on their ancestral island, the setting of their common past. Every time they return "home" they carry with them the results of their personal choices. They also carry with them the effects of modern Greek society, a society the slowly but surely changes them, weathering their relationships, until they gradually lose contact with each other. The end of this epoch, will find them dispersed, confronting the dawn of an era where the pursuit of individual ambitions reigns.
- director
- Nikos Grammatikos
- cast
- Nikos Georgakis, Yorgos Evgenikos, Vangelis Mourikis, Tasos Nousias
- genres
- runtime
- 1 hr 55 mins
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