Life Kills Me
"Drama, Comedy, Film In Film"
Gaspar is a young, lonely cinematographer. Unable to deal with his sister and sick grandfather he spends his time with Susana, an actress working on a opera. When he meets Alvaro, an idealistic traveler, Gaspar's life changes. They embark on a adventure that help them unearth the fragility and value of human existence
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Gaspar is a young, lonely cinematographer. Unable to deal with his sister and sick grandfather he spends his time with Susana, an actress working on a opera. When he meets Alvaro, an idealistic traveler, Gaspar's life changes. They embark on a adventure that help them unearth the fragility and value of human existence
- director
- Sebastián Silva
- cast
- Gabriel Díaz, Diego Muñoz, Claudia Celedón, Amparo Noguera
- runtime
- 1 hr 32 mins
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