The Freak Family
The Freak Family follows Diego, an aspiring pop-punk singer who makes a risky pact with the Devil to achieve fame. This deal throws him into a chaotic world where his dysfunctional family must contend with the bizarre, darkly funny consequences of his ambition. Balancing supernatural hijinks with heartfelt family moments, The Freak Family is a dramedy about dreams, deals, and the people who keep us grounded—even when things get freaky.
The Freak Family follows Diego, an aspiring pop-punk singer who makes a risky pact with the Devil to achieve fame. This deal throws him into a chaotic world where his dysfunctional family must contend with the bizarre, darkly funny consequences of his ambition. Balancing supernatural hijinks with heartfelt family moments, The Freak Family is a dramedy about dreams, deals, and the people who keep us grounded—even when things get freaky.
- director
- Naska
- cast
- Naska, Dobby, Simone Panetti, Alessio Stigliano
- seasons 0
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