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The Swordsman


Cop and accomplished fencer Andrew is assigned to protect archaeologist and museum curator Julie Wilkins, the only witness to the theft of the legendary sword of Alexander the Great. Andrew has recurring dreams about two men having a sword fight in what is to be a historical place. At his fencing club he meets Stratos, initiator of a deadly swordplay competition, who seems to be the key to both Andrew's haunting visions and the loss of Alexander's sword.

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Cop and accomplished fencer Andrew is assigned to protect archaeologist and museum curator Julie Wilkins, the only witness to the theft of the legendary sword of Alexander the Great. Andrew has recurring dreams about two men having a sword fight in what is to be a historical place. At his fencing club he meets Stratos, initiator of a deadly swordplay competition, who seems to be the key to both Andrew's haunting visions and the loss of Alexander's sword.


Michael Kennedy
Lorenzo Lamas, Michael Champion, Claire Stansfield, Nicholas Pasco 
1 hr 38 mins

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